Welcome to 3D-PROPS,

3D-PROPS is a business located in the Netherlands with its main focus on blasters based on the great movies of Star Wars. 
Our team tries to embody the spirit of each prop from the movies as accurate as possible.

The goal is to create awesome props that are cool to display but also good to add to your cosplay.

With the experience in our pocket and the eye for detail we try to design easy to print and build models that are sturdy, functional and accurate.

The first four years we mainly sold DIY kits and ready to use props but that is going to change. With the ever growing 3D printing market the demand for good files is huge and we are trying to provide that. With 2021 kicking off 3D-PROPS started to publish their best 3D files and with our Patreon page we provide tutorial, videos and behind the scene content like research and development stages.

If youre into 3D printing, Star Wars, cosplay and collecting, youre at the right place! 
Checkout our 3D files and start printing! To get each month the latest files for free, join our Patreon as a Builder and enjoy all the benefits that comes with this tier for only €15,- p/m.